The Funny Thing About Money Is Most People Don’t Want To Talk About It Until They Have To Or Really Wish They Had. Nobody breaks down the complexities of finance, retirement (and life) quite like Ron Stair. His passion for helping people plan for retirement is legendry and here is talking on the Debbie Nigro [...]
In this video presentation, Hollie Brostek, President, WIA Consultants explains how Corona Virus Distributions are distributed, taxed and recontributed. She also touches on the Corona virus expanded loan provisions and on RMD’s. For more information about the material in the presentation please Hollie Brostek (516) 249-0542 (direct) (516) 249-0469 (office) (516) 384-7615 (cell) or email [...]
Growing your team from just you up to your first ten employees is one of the difficult challenges faced by business owners. That initial growth is hard won, but once you are there scalability becomes (or at least feels) more organic. Providing a retirement plan for your growing team isn’t just a nice to have, [...]
As an owner only business you might think your options for a pension plan are limited to an SEP, but you’d be wrong. In fact, there are quite a few options available to you that provide improved benefits over a SEP. Such as larger contributions, the ability to borrow from your retirement fund, expanded investment [...]
RON STAIR TALKS CPD & WIA MERGER Ron speaks to Hilary Topper on her podcast Hilary Topper on Air about the recent merger of CPD and WIA and our approach of unbundling services.
We're so proud to announce that Creative Plan Design (CPD) has been awarded '2020 Best & Brightest Companies to Work for in the Nation' which is an outstanding achievement - and well deserved. CPD has won many national awards for its culture and commitment to team members. Dr, Ronald Stair (CPD founder) has consistently put [...]
Getting old sucks, but there’s still plenty to be happy about. So, smile … while you’ve still got a full set. When you need a new set will your retirement fund cover it?
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